House: Duane Ankney

Vote Details

Full Vote List

Bill Title Type Vote
HB1 Feed bill -- fund 2007 legislative session For
HB2 General appropriations act Against
HB2 General appropriations act Against
HB3 Supplemental appropriations Against
HB3 Supplemental appropriations Against
HB3 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 SINRUD For
HB6 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 GALLIK Against
HB7 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 WINDY Against
HB8 Renewable resource bonds and loans For
HB8 Renewable resource bonds and loans For
HB8 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 GALLIK Against
HB9 Cultural and aesthetic grants For
HB9 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 GALLIK Against
HB11 Treasure state endowment appropriations For
HB11 Treasure state endowment appropriations For
HB11 Treasure state endowment appropriations For
HB11 Treasure state endowment appropriations For
HB11 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 BERGREN Against
HB13 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 MCCHESNEY For
HB13 Pay plan for state employees For
HB24 Revise laws relating to carbon dioxide used for energy purposes For
HB24 Revise laws relating to carbon dioxide used for energy purposes For
HB25 Generally revise electric industry restructuring laws Against
HB25 Generally revise electric industry restructuring laws Against
HB25 Generally revise electric industry restructuring laws Against
HB25 AMD-2 Motion: AMD-2 GALLIK Against
HB25 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 GALLIK Against
HB27 Establish wireless enhanced 9-1-1 system For
HB31 Revise new vehicle warranty law For
HB31 Revise new vehicle warranty law Against
HB35 Assistance to victims of identity theft For
HB37 Weed control on state land Against
HB37 Weed control on state land Against
HB37 Weed control on state land Against
HB39 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 JAYNE Against
HB40 Revise state movie incentive laws For
HB40 Revise state movie incentive laws Against
HB41 Energy conservation and assistance funds for low-income persons For
HB41 Energy conservation and assistance funds for low-income persons For
HB49 Require study of local government special purpose districts For
HB49 Require study of local government special purpose districts For
HB53 Revise Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act For
HB54 Program to promote responsible gambling Against
HB56 Remove limitations on coal board grants to tribal governments Against
HB58 Increase unemployment benefit/allow if leave job for spouse's military transfer For
HB58 Increase unemployment benefit/allow if leave job for spouse's military transfer For
HB60 Access to civil justice act, self-help law program Against
HB61 Increase fire assessment rate For
HB63 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 MUSGROVE Against
HB71 Require trapper safety and education course; providing exceptions For
HB71 Require trapper safety and education course; providing exceptions For
HB74 Tax withholding for nonresident mineral, oil, and gas royalty payments Against
HB92 Modernize public health laws Against
HB92 Modernize public health laws Against
HB100 Improve management of DOR collection responsibilities Against
HB113 Revise residency requirements for liquor licenses For
HB113 Revise residency requirements for liquor licenses For
HB114 Establish Montana electrical transmission and pipeline authority For
HB114 Establish Montana electrical transmission and pipeline authority For
HB114 Establish Montana electrical transmission and pipeline authority For
HB114 AMD-3 Motion: AMD-3 GALLIK Against
HB114 AMD-2 Motion: AMD-2 GALLIK Against
HB114 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 GALLIK Against
HB116 Revise RIT funding laws For
HB117 Newborn hearing testing For
HB118 Revise law on dispensing contraceptives For
HB118 Revise law on dispensing contraceptives For
HB118 Revise law on dispensing contraceptives For
HB125 Repay loan for startup costs of the defined contribution retirement plan For
HB125 Repay loan for startup costs of the defined contribution retirement plan For
HB131 AMD-6 Motion: AMD-6 BERGREN Against
HB131 AMD-5 Motion: AMD-5 RIPLEY For
HB131 AMD-4 Motion: AMD-4 OLSON Against
HB131 AMD-3 Motion: AMD-3 GLASER Against
HB135 Revise school bus mileage reimbursements Against
HB137 Revise microbusiness development law Against
HB137 Revise microbusiness development law For
HB148 Pool inspection fee For
HB148 Pool inspection fee For
HB148 Pool inspection fee For
HB149 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 WISEMAN Against
HB152 Inflationary increases for K-12 BASE aid and general fund components Against
HB153 Uniform registered agents act Against
HB157 Revise CHIP laws For
HB159 Increase employer contribution rates for PERB systems Against
HB163 Limit public employees from and expenditure of public funds on lobbying For
HB164 School volunteers and tax deduction For
HB171 One-time deferral of hunter education for first-time hunter Against
HB171 One-time deferral of hunter education for first-time hunter Against
HB175 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 BERGREN Against
HB179 Create Montana military family relief fund Against
HB185 Injunction and license revocation procedures for hiring illegal aliens Against
HB190 Revise card game act For
HB194 Tuition reductions for resident students For
HB196 Create coal development impact fund For
HB196 Create coal development impact fund For
HB196 Create coal development impact fund For
HB201 Revise opencut mine laws and set fees Against
HB201 Revise opencut mine laws and set fees For
HB201 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 KEANE Against
HB204 Revise state expenditure limit For
HB204 Revise state expenditure limit For
HB205 Revise controlled ground water laws For
HB205 Revise controlled ground water laws For
HB209 Revise requirements for administrative rules For
HB209 Revise requirements for administrative rules For
HB210 Revise board of pardons and parole For
HB210 Revise board of pardons and parole For
HB210 Revise board of pardons and parole For
HB215 Ban human cloning research For
HB215 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 GALLIK Against
HB217 Noncustodial parents apply values through foster parents For
HB217 Noncustodial parents apply values through foster parents For
HB217 Noncustodial parents apply values through foster parents For
HB225 Provide for private enforcement of code of conduct and campaign laws For
HB226 Revise replacement license law Against
HB226 Revise replacement license law Against
HB235 Business improvement district law Against
HB236 Residential property tax credit for elderly to account for inflation Against
HB239 Increase fines for speeding in school zones -- require posting Against
HB257 Revise taxpayer bill of rights For
HB257 Revise taxpayer bill of rights For
HB257 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 BERGREN Against
HB258 Create tax incentive for recycling Against
HB259 Create gray water permit For
HB270 Tax credit for purchase of health care For
HB270 Tax credit for purchase of health care For
HB270 Tax credit for purchase of health care For
HB270 Tax credit for purchase of health care For
HB271 Revise makeup of board of environmental review For
HB271 Revise makeup of board of environmental review For
HB276 Revise rulemaking authority of board of environmental review For
HB276 Revise rulemaking authority of board of environmental review For
HB281 Revise election laws For
HB281 Revise election laws For
HB283 Increase amount for non-beneficiary students For
HB283 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 WINDY For
HB286 Revise allocation or workforce training funds to high poverty areas For
HB289 State earned income tax credit Against
HB293 Allocate lottery money to teacher's retirement system For
HB294 Soldier appreciation scholarships Against
HB294 Soldier appreciation scholarships For
HB298 Reauthorize natural resource damages program For
HB298 Reauthorize natural resource damages program For
HB298 Reauthorize natural resource damages program For
HB299 Revise laws governing ski areas and passenger ropeways For
HB299 Revise laws governing ski areas and passenger ropeways For
HB299 Revise laws governing ski areas and passenger ropeways For
HB299 Revise laws governing ski areas and passenger ropeways For
HB303 Allow crushed or recycled glass in state highway projects Against
HB305 Limit liability for sponsored off-highway vehicle activity For
HB305 Limit liability for sponsored off-highway vehicle activity For
HB306 Prohibit State from ceding jurisdiction over certain nontribally owned fee lands Against
HB312 Amend constitution to establish parental bill of rights For
HB312 Amend constitution to establish parental bill of rights For
HB315 Property tax reduction for excess budget surplus For
HB315 Property tax reduction for excess budget surplus For
HB315 Property tax reduction for excess budget surplus For
HB315 Property tax reduction for excess budget surplus For
HB315 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 GALLIK Against
HB315 Property tax reduction for excess budget surplus For
HB316 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 DICKENSON Against
HB317 Revise time for submitting executive budget For
HB317 Revise time for submitting executive budget For
HB321 Revise judicial by-pass under parental notification of abortion For
HB321 Revise judicial by-pass under parental notification of abortion For
HB324 Increase legislative candidate filing fee Against
HB331 Increase appropriations to certain economic development programs Against
HB331 Increase appropriations to certain economic development programs Against
HB339 Vehicle fee increase to fund car seat program Against
HB340 Citizen self-defense and firearms rights For
HB340 Citizen self-defense and firearms rights For
HB340 Citizen self-defense and firearms rights For
HB340 Citizen self-defense and firearms rights For
HB340 Citizen self-defense and firearms rights For
HB343 Appropriation for legislative legal action in wolf delisting lawsuit For
HB343 Appropriation for legislative legal action in wolf delisting lawsuit For
HB343 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 RICE For
HB350 Revise law regarding executive budget For
HB350 Revise law regarding executive budget For
HB351 Prohibit legislator accepting employment with state during term For
HB351 Prohibit legislator accepting employment with state during term For
HB354 Expand services for deaf children in schools Against
HB364 Establish board and fund to compensate livestock owners for wolf predation For
HB364 Establish board and fund to compensate livestock owners for wolf predation For
HB364 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 BARRETT For
HB380 Direct negotiation of food purchases by state agencies from Montana producers Against
HB383 Generally revise water discharge laws For
HB383 Generally revise water discharge laws For
HB387 Increase CHIP eligibility level Against
HB392 CAFO cost reimbursement in certain instances Against
HB392 CAFO cost reimbursement in certain instances For
HB400 Revise planning board laws For
HB402 Revise fees collected by supreme court Against
HB402 Revise fees collected by supreme court For
HB403 Constitutionally recognize life begins at conception Against
HB403 Constitutionally recognize life begins at conception Against
HB403 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 WARD For
HB405 Increase natural resource development for low-cost energy For
HB405 Increase natural resource development for low-cost energy For
HB415 Require parkland dedication in subdivision For
HB415 Require parkland dedication in subdivision Against
HB415 Require parkland dedication in subdivision Against
HB415 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 REINHART For
HB421 Regulate access to information created by auto event data recorders For
HB425 Revise subdivision and platting act For
HB425 Revise subdivision and platting act For
HB425 Revise subdivision and platting act Against
HB425 Revise subdivision and platting act Against
HB426 Eliminate limit on county road and bridge depreciation reserve funds Against
HB435 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 GALLIK For
HB439 Exempt ponds from licensure For
HB439 Exempt ponds from licensure For
HB439 Exempt ponds from licensure For
HB439 Exempt ponds from licensure For
HB462 Regulate constituent accounts Against
HB464 Revise damages for unfair claims settlement practices For
HB464 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 MENDENHALL Against
HB465 Revise medical and religious exemptions for immunization For
HB466 Revise criminal accountability For
HB466 Revise criminal accountability For
HB467 Revise medical-legal panel laws For
HB467 Revise medical-legal panel laws For
HB468 Confidentiality of physician assistance program Against
HB469 Clarify tax classification of wireless communication property For
HB469 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 COHENOUR Against
HB485 Regulate use of title of social worker Against
HB485 Regulate use of title of social worker Against
HB487 Revise threshold for local government audit For
HB488 Study of property taxes For
HB488 Study of property taxes For
HB488 Study of property taxes Against
HB488 Study of property taxes For
HB492 Quality service allowance for minimum wage For
HB492 Quality service allowance for minimum wage For
HB492 Quality service allowance for minimum wage For
HB495 Continue state building energy conservation program Against
HB511 Promote and fund regional water systems Against
HB519 Fund Montana cowboy hall of fame For
HB519 Fund Montana cowboy hall of fame For
HB519 Fund Montana cowboy hall of fame For
HB519 Fund Montana cowboy hall of fame For
HB519 Fund Montana cowboy hall of fame For
HB520 Generally revise election laws For
HB520 Generally revise election laws For
HB522 Revise definition of present law for budgeting purposes For
HB522 Revise definition of present law for budgeting purposes For
HB522 Revise definition of present law for budgeting purposes For
HB522 Revise definition of present law for budgeting purposes For
HB523 Restrict use of carry forward unspent appropriations For
HB523 Restrict use of carry forward unspent appropriations For
HB525 Encourage intellectual diversity in university system For
HB529 Reimburse for business equipment tax exemption For
HB529 Reimburse for business equipment tax exemption For
HB529 Reimburse for business equipment tax exemption For
HB529 Reimburse for business equipment tax exemption For
HB529 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 LAKE For
HB533 Increase coal board funding For
HB539 Appropriate funds for Butte-Silver Bow cultural development For
HB545 Tax credit for business waste and energy audit cost and implementation For
HB547 Revise laws governing legislative branch For
HB549 English proficiency to acquire driver license For
HB554 Child passenger safety violation as primary offense Against
HB554 Child passenger safety violation as primary offense Against
HB554 Child passenger safety violation as primary offense Against
HB554 Child passenger safety violation as primary offense Against
HB555 Public education program for recycling and electronic waste disposal For
HB557 Revise criteria for zoning impact on sand, gravel, and asphalt operations For
HB557 Revise criteria for zoning impact on sand, gravel, and asphalt operations For
HB561 Revise county bonding authority Against
HB561 Revise county bonding authority Against
HB564 Revise and reduce income taxes For
HB564 Revise and reduce income taxes For
HB565 Clarifying negligence principles in workplace safety act For
HB565 Clarifying negligence principles in workplace safety act For
HB565 Clarifying negligence principles in workplace safety act For
HB567 Montana safety corridor act For
HB567 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 KOOPMAN Against
HB574 Assist Deer Lodge in rebuilding Rialto theater For
HB574 Assist Deer Lodge in rebuilding Rialto theater For
HB577 Children's health care act For
HB577 Children's health care act For
HB583 Revise opencut mining law For
HB583 Revise opencut mining law For
HB583 Revise opencut mining law For
HB584 Vote on sale of state lands Against
HB584 Vote on sale of state lands Against
HB585 Additional duties for county commissioners For
HB587 Limit insurance stacking on motor vehicle policies For
HB587 Limit insurance stacking on motor vehicle policies For
HB590 Revise requirements for growth policy For
HB590 Revise requirements for growth policy For
HB597 Allow ordinances on obscene to minors more restrictive than state law For
HB597 Allow ordinances on obscene to minors more restrictive than state law For
HB604 Revise ethics laws Against
HB608 Transfer general fund to children's trust fund For
HB610 Revise laws relating to challenges to agency actions For
HB610 Revise laws relating to challenges to agency actions For
HB611 Revise laws related to telecommunications access services For
HB616 Allow parimutuel wagering on fantasy sports leagues For
HB616 Allow parimutuel wagering on fantasy sports leagues For
HB619 Revise exempt economic development positions For
HB619 Revise exempt economic development positions For
HB620 Annual legislative sessions For
HB620 Annual legislative sessions Against
HB621 Revise health insurance mandates For
HB621 Revise health insurance mandates For
HB621 Revise health insurance mandates For
HB622 Review of mandated health benefits For
HB622 Review of mandated health benefits For
HB624 Implement nursing compact For
HB624 Implement nursing compact For
HB627 Pave road to Dawson county correctional facility For
HB627 Pave road to Dawson county correctional facility For
HB629 Mediation for criminal proceedings For
HB629 Mediation for criminal proceedings Against
HB632 Mandatory random audit of elections Against
HB636 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 BIXBY Against
HB640 Clarifying the definition of public building in the context of Architecture Against
HB641 Revise minor in possession law For
HB641 Revise minor in possession law Against
HB649 Revise child abuse reporting laws For
HB650 Liberty day proclamation For
HB650 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 JORE For
HB659 Revise statute of limitations on PSC orders Against
HB659 Revise statute of limitations on PSC orders Against
HB662 Revise sanitation in subdivisions law For
HB662 Revise sanitation in subdivisions law For
HB663 County courthouse restoration act For
HB663 County courthouse restoration act For
HB665 License and regulate athletic trainers For
HB671 Revise law on poet laureate compensation Against
HB678 Revise school funding and tax laws For
HB678 Revise school funding and tax laws For
HB679 Revise leave law for newly hired public employees For
HB679 Revise leave law for newly hired public employees For
HB680 Revise tax laws to authorize department of revenue to collect out-of-state debt Against
HB680 Revise tax laws to authorize department of revenue to collect out-of-state debt Against
HB686 Constitutional amendment to require election be by majority vote For
HB686 Constitutional amendment to require election be by majority vote For
HB687 Extend age for well child care coverage For
HB687 Extend age for well child care coverage For
HB687 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 JONES For
HB689 Revise solid waste management laws for electric generation facilities For
HB689 Revise solid waste management laws for electric generation facilities For
HB692 Restrictions on executive branch agency bill requests For
HB692 Restrictions on executive branch agency bill requests For
HB695 Require deduction of economic consumption from medical malpractice award For
HB695 Require deduction of economic consumption from medical malpractice award For
HB701 Generally revise school funding For
HB710 Prohibit work release for second or subsequent DUI Against
HB712 Sovereignty protection act For
HB712 Sovereignty protection act For
HB712 Sovereignty protection act For
HB715 Support research and development of energy sources For
HB715 Support research and development of energy sources For
HB719 Child and dependent care tax credit Against
HB726 Revise animal cruelty and animal husbandry laws For
HB726 Revise animal cruelty and animal husbandry laws For
HB727 Revise eligibility requirements for certain benefits For
HB727 Revise eligibility requirements for certain benefits For
HB729 Amend county advertising requirements Against
HB732 Teacher Housing Incentive Program For
HB732 Teacher Housing Incentive Program For
HB734 Critical funding for community mental health For
HB735 Allow for rural address on driver's license For
HB735 Allow for rural address on driver's license For
HB739 Review of certain municipal electric utility facility acquisitions For
HB753 Montana global warming solutions act Against
HB761 Creditable retirement service for deployed teachers For
HB761 Creditable retirement service for deployed teachers For
HB763 Revise laws on mining byproduct disposal For
HB763 Revise laws on mining byproduct disposal For
HB766 Revise insure Montana law regarding employer size & association health plans For
HB766 Revise insure Montana law regarding employer size & association health plans For
HB766 Revise insure Montana law regarding employer size & association health plans For
HB766 Revise insure Montana law regarding employer size & association health plans For
HB766 Revise insure Montana law regarding employer size & association health plans For
HB766 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 SONJU For
HB781 Revise racial profiling law -- data gathering For
HB781 Revise racial profiling law -- data gathering For
HB783 Revise election laws For
HB795 Revise special improvement districts for fire protection For
HB795 Revise special improvement districts for fire protection For
HB799 Impose real property transfer tax Against
HB805 Biennial funding for certain natural resource agencies For
HB805 Biennial funding for certain natural resource agencies For
HB805 AMD-2 Motion: AMD-2 SINRUD For
HB805 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 RIPLEY For
HB806 Biennial funding for justice, corrections, labor, military affairs, and PSC For
HB806 Biennial funding for justice, corrections, labor, military affairs, and PSC For
HB806 AMD-2 Motion: AMD-2 GLASER For
HB806 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 JORE For
HB807 Biennial funding for university system and community colleges For
HB807 Biennial funding for university system and community colleges For
HB807 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 WELLS For
HB808 Biennial funding for DPHHS For
HB808 Biennial funding for DPHHS For
HB808 Biennial funding for DPHHS For
HB808 Biennial funding for DPHHS For
HB808 Biennial funding for DPHHS For
HB808 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 MORGAN For
HB808 Biennial funding for DPHHS For
HB808 Biennial funding for DPHHS For
HB808 AMD-3 Motion: AMD-3 CLARK For
HB808 AMD-2 Motion: AMD-2 CLARK For
HB809 Biennial funding for k-12 education and education related agencies For
HB809 Biennial funding for k-12 education and education related agencies For
HB809 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 GLASER For
HB817 Fund satellite delivery of public television Against
HB818 Appropriations for legislative branch For
HB818 Appropriations for legislative branch For
HB819 Appropriations for judicial branch Against
HB819 Appropriations for judicial branch Against
HB819 Appropriations for judicial branch For
HB819 Appropriations for judicial branch For
HB820 Biennial funding for certain executive branch agencies Against
HB820 Biennial funding for certain executive branch agencies Against
HB820 Biennial funding for certain executive branch agencies Against
HB820 Biennial funding for certain executive branch agencies For
HB820 Biennial funding for certain executive branch agencies For
HB822 Generally revise biodiesel and ethanol laws For
HB822 Generally revise biodiesel and ethanol laws For
HB826 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 MCCHESNEY For
HB826 Study protested taxes For
HB830 Appropriate money for construction & maintenance of public buildings and systems For
HB830 AMD-3 Motion: AMD-3 CORDIER Against
HB830 AMD-2 Motion: AMD-2 WISEMAN Against
HB830 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 WISEMAN Against
HB831 Revise water use laws in closed basins For
HB831 Revise water use laws in closed basins For
HB831 Revise water use laws in closed basins For
HB831 Revise water use laws in closed basins For
HB831 Revise water use laws in closed basins For
HB833 20-20 tax plan -- school mills income tax credit and increase exemption amount Against
HB833 20-20 tax plan -- school mills income tax credit and increase exemption amount For
HB835 Facilitate environmental permit laws and create an college internship program For
HB835 Facilitate environmental permit laws and create an college internship program For
HB838 Revise taxation of railroad property Against
HB841 Revise election laws; change primary election date For
HB844 Revise closed basin laws Against
HJ1 Urge Congress to reform health care system For
HJ1 Urge Congress to reform health care system For
HJ4 Urge opposition to relaxation of mail delivery standards Against
HJ4 Urge opposition to relaxation of mail delivery standards Against
HJ6 Urge agriculture to produce 25% of energy consumed by 2025 For
HJ6 Urge agriculture to produce 25% of energy consumed by 2025 For
HJ8 Resolution urging timber sale bonds For
HJ8 Resolution urging timber sale bonds For
HJ13 Encourage oil and gas development For
HJ13 Encourage oil and gas development For
HJ16 Urge revision & recodification of Title 87 For
HJ16 Urge revision & recodification of Title 87 For
HJ24 Urge ban of exportation of elemental mercury For
HJ24 Urge ban of exportation of elemental mercury For
HJ26 Study mental health issues in criminal and juvenile justice systems For
HJ26 Study mental health issues in criminal and juvenile justice systems For
HJ28 Study state business infrastructure For
HJ28 Study state business infrastructure Against
HJ31 Urge opposition to Rockies Prosperity Act For
HJ31 Urge opposition to Rockies Prosperity Act For
HJ38 Rescind all calls for convening a constitutional convention For
HJ39 Study economic development For
HJ42 Resolution for safe kids week For
HJ42 Resolution for safe kids week For
HJ47 Study funding of Montana genetics program Against
HJ47 Study funding of Montana genetics program Against
HJ48 Study health insurance reform and publicly funded health care programs Against
HJ48 Study health insurance reform and publicly funded health care programs Against
HJ50 Study mental health precommitment process Against
HJ50 Study mental health precommitment process For
HJ52 Study problem gambling Against
HJ52 Study problem gambling Against
HJ53 Study revision of campaign finance laws Against
HJ56 Study role of community and other health centers For
HJ56 Study role of community and other health centers For
HJ57 Study conservation easements on state land For
HJ57 Study conservation easements on state land Against
HJ60 Study climate change Against
HJ61 Study linkage of state and federal income taxes For
HJ61 Study linkage of state and federal income taxes For
HJ62 Study privatization and public trading of work comp For
HJ62 Study privatization and public trading of work comp For
HJ63 Interim study of budget process Against
SB12 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 GLASER For
SB15 Prohibit picketing at funerals For
SB15 Prohibit picketing at funerals For
SB15 AMD-2 Motion: AMD-2 KOTTEL Against
SB15 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 DRISCOLL Against
SB19 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 BIXBY Against
SB22 Allow expansion of CHIP eligibility up to 175% of federal poverty level For
SB22 Allow expansion of CHIP eligibility up to 175% of federal poverty level For
SB22 Allow expansion of CHIP eligibility up to 175% of federal poverty level For
SB51 Revise land use laws concerning fire and wildland fire Against
SB51 Revise land use laws concerning fire and wildland fire Against
SB51 Revise land use laws concerning fire and wildland fire Against
SB51 Revise land use laws concerning fire and wildland fire For
SB62 Increase payment to advisory board members For
SB62 Increase payment to advisory board members For
SB62 Increase payment to advisory board members Against
SB76 Revise law on agency access to tax and revenue information For
SB78 Clarify stream access from bridges Against
SB96 AMD-2 Motion: AMD-2 KOOPMAN Against
SB118 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 GLASER For
SB128 Eliminate termination of FWP instream flow and revise laws governing Against
SB128 Eliminate termination of FWP instream flow and revise laws governing Against
SB128 Eliminate termination of FWP instream flow and revise laws governing Against
SB139 Governor's $400 property tax rebate Against
SB142 Revise public health emergency authority Against
SB142 Revise public health emergency authority For
SB147 Authorize restrictions on fire hazard area activities Against
SB147 Authorize restrictions on fire hazard area activities Against
SB147 AMD-2 Motion: AMD-2 HEINERT For
SB147 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 LAMBERT For
SB152 Education funding including early childhood development for 5 year olds For
SB152 AMD-4 Motion: AMD-4 RASER Against
SB152 AMD-3 Motion: AMD-3 JONES Against
SB152 AMD-2 Motion: AMD-2 SMALL Against
SB155 Older Montanan's trust law For
SB155 Older Montanan's trust law For
SB155 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 HINER For
SB155 Older Montanan's trust law Against
SB162 Revise genetics program laws Against
SB162 Revise genetics program laws For
SB166 Family and purple heart recipients fish and hunt game birds for free For
SB166 Family and purple heart recipients fish and hunt game birds for free For
SB173 Revise laws governing state-tribal economic development commission For
SB173 Revise laws governing state-tribal economic development commission For
SB185 Provide for medium speed electric vehicles For
SB185 Provide for medium speed electric vehicles For
SB201 Revise subdivision laws For
SB201 Revise subdivision laws For
SB201 Revise subdivision laws Against
SB206 Health insurance incentives for Medicaid healthcare workers For
SB224 Authorize game warden enforcement for certain misdemeanors Against
SB235 Establish SW Montana veterans' home - use 2 cents cigarette tax money For
SB271 Revise requirements for securing loads Against
SB285 Exempt wildlife center from building naming law For
SB285 Exempt wildlife center from building naming law For
SB286 Revise capitol complex building naming law Against
SB286 Revise capitol complex building naming law Against
SB300 Primary seatbelt and child passenger safety law Against
SB306 Eliminate death penalty Against
SB318 Extend recreational use immunity to aircraft For
SB332 Exempt tribally owned property from taxation Against
SB337 "Green" electricity buying cooperative Against
SB337 "Green" electricity buying cooperative Against
SB339 Revise laws governing annexation and expansion of municipalities For
SB339 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 REINHART Against
SB354 Revise physician medicaid reimbursement conversion factor Against
SB354 Revise physician medicaid reimbursement conversion factor For
SB354 Revise physician medicaid reimbursement conversion factor For
SB365 Revise laws related to water distribution and water commissioners For
SB365 Revise laws related to water distribution and water commissioners Against
SB382 Establish mental health courts For
SB387 Cancer screening disclosure for insurance companies For
SB387 Cancer screening disclosure for insurance companies For
SB391 Conservation easements on state land Against
SB391 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 JOPEK For
SB393 Require mediation of custody in dissolution of marriage Against
SB393 Require mediation of custody in dissolution of marriage Against
SB393 Require mediation of custody in dissolution of marriage Against
SB393 Require mediation of custody in dissolution of marriage Against
SB393 Require mediation of custody in dissolution of marriage Against
SB393 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 GALLIK For
SB407 Authorizing emergency discharges of coal bed methane water For
SB407 Authorizing emergency discharges of coal bed methane water For
SB407 Authorizing emergency discharges of coal bed methane water For
SB419 Allow children to remain covered by parent's health insurance to age 26 Against
SB419 Allow children to remain covered by parent's health insurance to age 26 Against
SB426 Revise attorney fees for medical benefits in work comp cases Against
SB431 Revise standards for hot springs Against
SB431 Revise standards for hot springs For
SB432 Generally revise biodiesel laws Against
SB436 Fee on undeveloped land authroized for fire service areas Against
SB436 Fee on undeveloped land authroized for fire service areas Against
SB439 Withholding for natural resource royalty payments Against
SB439 Withholding for natural resource royalty payments Against
SB449 Fuel economy standards for state purchased vehicles Against
SB449 Fuel economy standards for state purchased vehicles For
SB465 Exempt state fund from ITSD requirements For
SB478 Implement suicide prevention program For
SB478 Implement suicide prevention program Against
SB478 Implement suicide prevention program For
SB478 Implement suicide prevention program For
SB486 Revise aggravated assault law For
SB486 Revise aggravated assault law For
SB497 Create mural for capital or capital complex honoring women as community builders For
SB497 Create mural for capital or capital complex honoring women as community builders For
SB505 Fund and renew cervical cancer task force For
SB514 Revise individual income tax related to interest, penalty, & federal tax refunds For
SB514 Revise individual income tax related to interest, penalty, & federal tax refunds For
SB514 Revise individual income tax related to interest, penalty, & federal tax refunds For
SB517 Revise time certain polling places are open For
SB517 Revise time certain polling places are open For
SB518 Vital statistics for stillbirth For
SB524 Revise brewery regulation and beer distribution laws For
SB531 Procedure for nonprofit hospital conversion to other status Against
SB532 Revise firefighter retirement laws For
SB537 Revise laws governing prepaid legal plan For
SB537 Revise laws governing prepaid legal plan For
SB537 Revise laws governing prepaid legal plan For
SB547 AMD-4 Motion: AMD-4 SINRUD For
SB547 AMD-2 Motion: AMD-2 SINRUD For
SB547 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 SINRUD For
SJ2 Study DUI laws Against
SJ2 Study DUI laws Against
SJ3 Urge funding for restoration of parks, battlefields, and monuments Against
SJ5 Study acute care and rural emergency medical services Against
SJ5 Study acute care and rural emergency medical services Against
SJ6 Juvenile justice interim study resolution Against
SJ6 Juvenile justice interim study resolution Against
SJ7 Study requiring background checks for direct care workers For
SJ7 Study requiring background checks for direct care workers For
SJ10 Study uninsured motorist solutions Against
SJ12 Encourage international education to board of regents For
SJ12 Encourage international education to board of regents For
SJ13 Resolution for interim study on value-added agriculture For
SJ13 Resolution for interim study on value-added agriculture For
SJ15 Study impacts of certain services on health care delivery For
SJ16 Resolution for gun safety education for grades 1 through 3 For
SJ16 Resolution for gun safety education for grades 1 through 3 For
SJ18 Urge Congress to allocate federal excise taxes to tribes For
SJ18 Urge Congress to allocate federal excise taxes to tribes For
SJ19 Develop health information technology For
SJ19 Develop health information technology Against
SJ26 Interim study of zoning and land use planning For
SJ26 Interim study of zoning and land use planning For

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Sponsored Bills

Bill Title Cost
HB533 Increase coal board funding (S) 3rd Reading Conference Committee Report Adopted $0.00
(S) 2nd Reading Conference Committee Report Adopted $0.00
(H) 3rd Reading Conference Committee Report Adopted $0.00
(S) 2nd Reading Conference Committee Report Adopted Motion Failed $0.00
(S) 2nd Reading Conference Committee Report Rejected Motion Failed $0.00
(H) 2nd Reading Conference Committee Report Adopted $0.00
(H) 2nd Reading Senate Amendments Not Concurred $0.00
(S) 3rd Reading Concurred $0.00
(H) 3rd Reading Passed $0.00
(H) 2nd Reading Passed $0.00
(H) 2nd Reading Passed $0.00
HB763 Revise laws on mining byproduct disposal (H) 3rd Reading Passed $0.00
(H) 2nd Reading Passed $0.00
HB797 Provide for an early presidential primary (H) 3rd Reading Passed $0.00
(H) 2nd Reading Passed $0.00
(H) 2nd Reading Passed $0.00
HB841 Revise election laws; change primary election date (H) 3rd Reading Passed $0.00
(H) 2nd Reading Passed as Amended $0.00
HB841 AMD-1 Motion: AMD-1 ANKNEY (H) 2nd Reading Motion to Amend Carried $0.00
HJ13 Encourage oil and gas development (H) 3rd Reading Passed $0.00
(H) 2nd Reading Passed $0.00

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