House: Dan Kennedy

Vote Details

Full Vote List

Bill Title Type Vote
HB1 Feed bill For
HB1 Feed bill For
HB2 General Appropriations Act Against
HB2 General Appropriations Act Against
HB2 General Appropriations Act Against
HB2 General Appropriations Act Against
HB2 General Appropriations Act For
HB2 General Appropriations Act For
HB2 General Appropriations Act For
HB0002026 AMD-026 Barrett D/PASS Against
HB0002079 AMD-079 McChesney D/PASS Against
HB0002104 AMD-104 Warburton D/PASS Against
HB0002105 AMD-105 Stahl D/PASS For
HB0002047 AMD-047 Price D/PASS Against
HB0002030 AMD-030 Sands D/PASS Against
HB0002025 AMD-025 Mehlhoff D/PASS Against
HB0002058 AMD-058 Price D/PASS Against
HB0002081 AMD-081 Hiner D/PASS Against
HB0002057 AMD-057 Belcourt D/PASS Against
HB0002032 AMD-032 Belcourt D/PASS Against
HB0002045 AMD-045 Belcourt D/PASS Against
HB0002066 AMD-066 Belcourt D/PASS Against
HB0002038 AMD-038 Schmidt D/PASS Against
HB0002031 AMD-031 Belcourt D/PASS Against
HB0002068 AMD-068 Schmidt D/PASS Against
HB0002097 AMD-097 Schmidt D/PASS Against
HB0002039 AMD-039 Schmidt D/PASS Against
HB0002063 AMD-063 MacDonald D/PASS Against
HB0002064 AMD-064 Sands D/PASS Against
HB0002095 AMD-095 Boland D/PASS Against
HB0002093 AMD-093 Regier D/PASS For
HB0002037 AMD-037 Schmidt D/PASS Against
HB0002065 AMD-065 Belcourt D/PASS Against
HB0002011 AMD-011 McChesney D/PASS Against
HB0002010 AMD-010 McChesney D/PASS Against
HB0002012 AMD-012 McChesney D/PASS Against
HB0002092 AMD-092 Stahl D/PASS For
HB3 Supplemental appropriations Against
HB3 Supplemental appropriations For
HB4 Appropriations by budget amendment Against
HB4 Appropriations by budget amendment Against
HB5 Long-range building appropriations Against
HB5 Long-range building appropriations Against
HB7 Reclamation and development grants Against
HB9 Cultural and aesthetic grants Against
HB9 Cultural and aesthetic grants Against
HB9 Cultural and aesthetic grants Against
HB9 Cultural and aesthetic grants Against
HB10 Long-range information technology appropriations Against
HB13 State employee pay plan Against
HB13 State employee pay plan Against
HB13 State employee pay plan Against
HB13 State employee pay plan Against
HB0015001 AMD-001 Cook D/PASS For
HB29 Expand criteria for extraordinary event exceptions to uses of credit information Against
HB29 Expand criteria for extraordinary event exceptions to uses of credit information For
HB29 Expand criteria for extraordinary event exceptions to uses of credit information For
HB29 Expand criteria for extraordinary event exceptions to uses of credit information For
HB29 Expand criteria for extraordinary event exceptions to uses of credit information For
HB0029000 AMD-HB 29 Evans D/PASS Against
HB30 Provide for health care sharing ministries and exempt from insurance codes For
HB30 Provide for health care sharing ministries and exempt from insurance codes For
HB36 Clarify commitment laws relating to people with developmental disabilities Against
HB36 Clarify commitment laws relating to people with developmental disabilities Against
HB40 Changing the standard for adoption of administrative rules For
HB40 Changing the standard for adoption of administrative rules For
HB46 Revise and clarify the realty transfer act For
HB51 Revise laws related to state building energy conservation programs Against
HB51 Revise laws related to state building energy conservation programs Against
HB64 Require Dept of Admin to adopt rules on loan of employees between agencies For
HB64 Require Dept of Admin to adopt rules on loan of employees between agencies For
HB0064000 AMD- 1 Stahl D/PASS For
HB69 Revise jail penalties for DUI court participation Against
HB69 Revise jail penalties for DUI court participation Against
HB71 Provide that illegal alien may not receive workers' comp For
HB71 Provide that illegal alien may not receive workers' comp For
HB0080000 AMD- 1 Reinhart D/PASS Against
HB100 Require fiscal notes to include business impact For
HB100 Require fiscal notes to include business impact For
HB100 Require fiscal notes to include business impact For
HB100 Require fiscal notes to include business impact For
HB107 Authorize collection of interest payments on unpaid coal royalties Against
HB0110000 AMD- 1 Esp D/PASS For
HB114 Amend Montana crime victims compensation act Against
HB114 Amend Montana crime victims compensation act Against
HB0114000 AMD-HB 114 Esp D/PASS For
HB130 Expand types of elections to be conducted by mail ballot elections Against
HB130 Expand types of elections to be conducted by mail ballot elections Against
HB0130000 AMD- 2 Skees D/PASS For
HB133 Provide for court orders, fines, liens for noncompliance with noxious weed laws Against
HB133 Provide for court orders, fines, liens for noncompliance with noxious weed laws Against
HB136 Generally revise school funding Against
HB140 Transfer funds from the economic development special revenue account Against
HB143 Revise Taylor Grazing Act funds distribution; 100% to county general fund For
HB144 Revise FWP licensing laws related to large predators For
HB144 Revise FWP licensing laws related to large predators For
HB152 Revise proof of residency and identity requirements for voting For
HB152 Revise proof of residency and identity requirements for voting For
HB152 Revise proof of residency and identity requirements for voting For
HB152 Revise proof of residency and identity requirements for voting For
HB153 Allow deductions of health care sharing ministry expenses For
HB154 Eliminate req of Superintendent of Public Instruction hold teaching certificate For
HB154 Eliminate req of Superintendent of Public Instruction hold teaching certificate For
HB154 Eliminate req of Superintendent of Public Instruction hold teaching certificate For
HB155 Require discharge permit for certain wetland management For
HB157 Providing refundable income tax credit based on property taxes imposed and paid For
HB157 Providing refundable income tax credit based on property taxes imposed and paid For
HB159 Restrict authority of FWP to regulate ammo or firearms for hunting For
HB159 Restrict authority of FWP to regulate ammo or firearms for hunting For
HB159 Restrict authority of FWP to regulate ammo or firearms for hunting For
HB161 Repeal medical marijuana law For
HB161 Repeal medical marijuana law For
HB163 Deposit PPL v. Montana damages in guarantee account and permanent fund For
HB163 Deposit PPL v. Montana damages in guarantee account and permanent fund For
HB165 Deposit certain trust land and river bed income to guarantee account For
HB165 Deposit certain trust land and river bed income to guarantee account For
HB0165001 AMD-001 Hollandsworth D/PASS For
HB165 Deposit certain trust land and river bed income to guarantee account For
HB167 Criminalize offense involving death to an unborn child For
HB167 Criminalize offense involving death to an unborn child For
HB172 Revise laws related to hunting of grizzly bears For
HB172 Revise laws related to hunting of grizzly bears For
HB172 Revise laws related to hunting of grizzly bears For
HB174 Repeal prohibition on firearm sound reduction devices in field For
HB174 Repeal prohibition on firearm sound reduction devices in field For
HB174 Repeal prohibition on firearm sound reduction devices in field For
HB175 Submit repeal of Montana Medical Marijuana Act to voters of Montana For
HB175 Submit repeal of Montana Medical Marijuana Act to voters of Montana For
HB178 Verify lawful presence in US before issuing driver's license or ID card For
HB178 Verify lawful presence in US before issuing driver's license or ID card For
HB178 Verify lawful presence in US before issuing driver's license or ID card For
HB178 Verify lawful presence in US before issuing driver's license or ID card For
HB179 Disallow unemployment benefits for certain employee terminations For
HB179 Disallow unemployment benefits for certain employee terminations For
HB180 Revise close of voter registration For
HB180 Revise close of voter registration For
HB183 Provide for high deductible health insurance thru reimbursements and tax credits For
HB183 Provide for high deductible health insurance thru reimbursements and tax credits For
HB184 Healthcare tax credits for individuals and out-of-pocket expenses For
HB184 Healthcare tax credits for individuals and out-of-pocket expenses For
HB184 Healthcare tax credits for individuals and out-of-pocket expenses For
HB184 Healthcare tax credits for individuals and out-of-pocket expenses For
HB186 Continue allocation to Worksafe Montana thru assessment on work comp insurer Against
HB186 Continue allocation to Worksafe Montana thru assessment on work comp insurer Against
HB189 Professional retirement option and funding changes for TRS Against
HB0189005 AMD-005 O'Neil D/PASS For
HB0189006 AMD-006 Hoven D/PASS For
HB0189003 AMD-003 Regier D/PASS For
HB189 Professional retirement option and funding changes for TRS Against
HB192 Adjust exempt retirement amounts for individual income tax For
HB198 Generally revise eminent domain laws For
HB198 Generally revise eminent domain laws Against
HB206 Constitutional amendment on freedom to choose health care coverage For
HB206 Constitutional amendment on freedom to choose health care coverage For
HB207 Provide support for network of Montana Food and Agricultural Development Centers Against
HB209 Revise maintenance laws for FWP land to prioritize funds for WMAs For
HB209 Revise maintenance laws for FWP land to prioritize funds for WMAs For
HB209 Revise maintenance laws for FWP land to prioritize funds for WMAs For
HB218 Allow religious organizations to self-insure for motor vehicles For
HB218 Allow religious organizations to self-insure for motor vehicles For
HB219 Index federal income tax deduction to consumer price index For
HB219 Index federal income tax deduction to consumer price index For
HB219 Index federal income tax deduction to consumer price index For
HB220 Require child under 1 year of age & less than 20 lbs be in rear-facing restraint Against
HB221 Appropriate funds to purchase food for emergency food systems Against
HB224 Provide that cigarette papers are taxable as tobacco-related product Against
HB227 Revise laws relating to religious exemptions for immunizations For
HB227 Revise laws relating to religious exemptions for immunizations For
HB228 Revise hunting privileges for youths For
HB228 Revise hunting privileges for youths For
HB231 Repeal requirements for municipalities to hire career paid firefighters For
HB231 Repeal requirements for municipalities to hire career paid firefighters For
HB237 Revise renewable resource standard laws to eliminate certain requirements For
HB237 Revise renewable resource standard laws to eliminate certain requirements For
HB239 Mandated benefits review by Insurance Commissioner for Legislature For
HB242 Revise school and municipal elections with primary elections For
HB248 Provide for a tax credit for the purchase of long-term care insurance Against
HB249 Limit shareholder liability for corporation's acts and debts For
HB249 Limit shareholder liability for corporation's acts and debts For
HB249 Limit shareholder liability for corporation's acts and debts For
HB262 Extend requirement for emergency medical service grant program Against
HB271 Exception to concealed weapon offense if eligible to obtain permit For
HB271 Exception to concealed weapon offense if eligible to obtain permit For
HB271 Exception to concealed weapon offense if eligible to obtain permit For
HB271 Exception to concealed weapon offense if eligible to obtain permit For
HB271 Exception to concealed weapon offense if eligible to obtain permit For
HB272 Eliminate ability for FWP to use hunting access fees to acquire fee title lands For
HB272 Eliminate ability for FWP to use hunting access fees to acquire fee title lands For
HB274 Provide that employment of an unauthorized alien is unlawful For
HB274 Provide that employment of an unauthorized alien is unlawful For
HB274 Provide that employment of an unauthorized alien is unlawful For
HB274 Provide that employment of an unauthorized alien is unlawful For
HB0274000 AMD- 2 Howard D/PASS For
HB275 Provide offset of personal consumption expenses in survival actions Against
HB275 Provide offset of personal consumption expenses in survival actions Against
HB276 Revise automated traffic enforcement systems for school buses Against
HB280 Require ultrasound prior to abortion For
HB0280000 AMD- 1 Driscoll D/PASS Against
HB281 Revise laws relating to guardians ad litem Against
HB283 Allow sex to be considered in certain insurance coverage For
HB283 Allow sex to be considered in certain insurance coverage For
HB283 Allow sex to be considered in certain insurance coverage For
HB283 Allow sex to be considered in certain insurance coverage For
HB285 Revise elk hunting permits for limited drawing districts Against
HB285 Revise elk hunting permits for limited drawing districts For
HB291 Provide refund of utility extension costs when subsequent users connect to line Against
HB291 Provide refund of utility extension costs when subsequent users connect to line Against
HB292 Constitutional referendum amending right to a clean and healthful environment For
HB292 Constitutional referendum amending right to a clean and healthful environment For
HB296 Authorize the construction of the Southwest Montana Veterans' Home in Butte Against
HB296 Authorize the construction of the Southwest Montana Veterans' Home in Butte Against
HB296 Authorize the construction of the Southwest Montana Veterans' Home in Butte For
HB296 Authorize the construction of the Southwest Montana Veterans' Home in Butte For
HB302 Require driver's license test in English only For
HB302 Require driver's license test in English only For
HB304 Generally revise laws relating to special districts For
HB306 Eliminate requirement for notary public to keep and maintain a journal For
HB306 Eliminate requirement for notary public to keep and maintain a journal For
HB307 Prohibit building codes from requiring some mandatory sprinkler systems For
HB307 Prohibit building codes from requiring some mandatory sprinkler systems For
HB307 Prohibit building codes from requiring some mandatory sprinkler systems For
HB307 Prohibit building codes from requiring some mandatory sprinkler systems For
HB309 Clarify prohibition on recreational access to ditches For
HB309 Clarify prohibition on recreational access to ditches For
HB312 Provide for an interstate compact related to health care freedom For
HB312 Provide for an interstate compact related to health care freedom For
HB316 Redistribute certain revenue and income For
HB316 Redistribute certain revenue and income For
HB316 Redistribute certain revenue and income Against
HB316 Redistribute certain revenue and income Against
HB316 Redistribute certain revenue and income Against
HB316 Redistribute certain revenue and income Against
HB0316002 AMD-002 Miller D/PASS Against
HB317 Sunset statutory appropriations over certain periods For
HB317 Sunset statutory appropriations over certain periods For
HB317 Sunset statutory appropriations over certain periods For
HB317 Sunset statutory appropriations over certain periods For
HB318 Ensure county oversight in movement of publicly-owned wild buffalo or bison For
HB318 Ensure county oversight in movement of publicly-owned wild buffalo or bison For
HB321 Nullify federal endangered species act For
HB333 Include bank repossessions and other sales in property reappraisal comparables For
HB333 Include bank repossessions and other sales in property reappraisal comparables For
HB334 Generally revise workers' compensation For
HB334 Generally revise workers' compensation For
HB336 Revise penalties for waste of game Against
HB336 Revise penalties for waste of game Against
HB336 Revise penalties for waste of game Against
HB336 Revise penalties for waste of game Against
HB341 Revise interest payments in civil cases For
HB341 Revise interest payments in civil cases For
HB341 Revise interest payments in civil cases For
HB342 Revise appeal bonds in civil cases For
HB343 Partial zero-based budgeting for state agency budgets For
HB343 Partial zero-based budgeting for state agency budgets For
HB344 Prohibit favoritism between for-profit and nonprofit corps in state contracts For
HB344 Prohibit favoritism between for-profit and nonprofit corps in state contracts For
HB348 Revise outdated reference for interest rates and provide alternate Against
HB348 Revise outdated reference for interest rates and provide alternate Against
HB352 Revise laws relating to water quality standards and provide alternatives For
HB0352000 AMD- 1 Osmundson D/PASS For
HB354 Residential landlord tenant law - eliminate carbon monoxide detector requirement For
HB354 Residential landlord tenant law - eliminate carbon monoxide detector requirement For
HB357 Provide tax credit for employer contribution to employee health savings account For
HB357 Provide tax credit for employer contribution to employee health savings account For
HB358 Revise Montana medical savings account contribution limits For
HB361 Requiring the issuance of archery-only elk permits at 2007 levels Against
HB361 Requiring the issuance of archery-only elk permits at 2007 levels Against
HB362 Provide for budget sessions and general sessions of legislature For
HB363 Provide for use of wolf license money For
HB366 Revise county interim zoning law For
HB366 Revise county interim zoning law For
HB366 Revise county interim zoning law For
HB366 Revise county interim zoning law For
HB370 Increase motor vehicle fee for state parks and Virginia & Nevada Cities For
HB370 Increase motor vehicle fee for state parks and Virginia & Nevada Cities For
HB372 Clarify preference system laws for nonresident permits and licenses For
HB375 Reduce certain general fund transfers For
HB375 Reduce certain general fund transfers For
HB375 Reduce certain general fund transfers For
HB375 Reduce certain general fund transfers For
HB381 Criminalize enforcement of certain federal firearms laws For
HB382 Prohibit infringement of constitutional right to nullify certain fed legislation For
HB384 Revise carrying concealed weapon in prohibited places For
HB384 Revise carrying concealed weapon in prohibited places For
HB388 Statutorily require comparison of spending, budgets & various economic indices For
HB388 Statutorily require comparison of spending, budgets & various economic indices For
HB389 Require warning label on marijuana sold for medical use Against
HB391 Prohibit local initiative from establishing priority of enforcement of state law For
HB391 Prohibit local initiative from establishing priority of enforcement of state law For
HB397 Provide for education funds for school choice and home schooling For
HB402 Revise zoning laws for sand and gravel For
HB402 Revise zoning laws for sand and gravel For
HB405 Medical malpractice reform For
HB405 Medical malpractice reform For
HB405 Medical malpractice reform For
HB405 Medical malpractice reform For
HB408 Provide for timely filing and resolution of claims in medical liability cases For
HB408 Provide for timely filing and resolution of claims in medical liability cases For
HB408 Provide for timely filing and resolution of claims in medical liability cases For
HB408 Provide for timely filing and resolution of claims in medical liability cases For
HB412 Disclosure of financial support of civil suits against industrial operations For
HB412 Disclosure of financial support of civil suits against industrial operations For
HB414 Provide for federal mandate accountability For
HB414 Provide for federal mandate accountability For
HB414 Provide for federal mandate accountability For
HB414 Provide for federal mandate accountability For
HB416 Provide for confidentiality for medical practices quality assurance Against
HB416 Provide for confidentiality for medical practices quality assurance Against
HB416 Provide for confidentiality for medical practices quality assurance Against
HB420 Revise laws regarding state work study Against
HB423 Authorize blackjack tables to fund social services Against
HB423 Authorize blackjack tables to fund social services Against
HB425 Revise offer of settlement For
HB431 Eliminate state election day as a legal holiday For
HB431 Eliminate state election day as a legal holiday For
HB437 Providing medicaid coverage for orientation and mobility services Against
HB438 Revise marriage dissolution laws by requiring counseling in certain instances For
HB439 General obligation bonds for state government Against
HB439 General obligation bonds for state government Against
HB439 General obligation bonds for state government Against
HB439 General obligation bonds for state government For
HB444 Create budget database website for taxpayer right to know For
HB444 Create budget database website for taxpayer right to know For
HB445 Allow health care choice thru out-of-state policies For
HB445 Allow health care choice thru out-of-state policies For
HB445 Allow health care choice thru out-of-state policies For
HB446 Address homeless prevention for people under Dept. of Corrections supervision Against
HB446 Address homeless prevention for people under Dept. of Corrections supervision Against
HB448 Enact interstate compact for enforcement of firearms freedom laws For
HB448 Enact interstate compact for enforcement of firearms freedom laws For
HB456 Define scope/ boundaries of human sexuality/reproduct ed in K-12 public schools For
HB456 Define scope/ boundaries of human sexuality/reproduct ed in K-12 public schools For
HB456 Define scope/ boundaries of human sexuality/reproduct ed in K-12 public schools For
HB457 Provide protection of pregnant women For
HB0457000 AMD- 1 Noonan D/PASS Against
HB463 Revise property tax reappraisal process by specifying burden of proof on value For
HB463 Revise property tax reappraisal process by specifying burden of proof on value For
HB464 Provide medical liability protection for hard-to-recruit subspecialists Against
HB464 Provide medical liability protection for hard-to-recruit subspecialists Against
HB471 Revise fish, wildlife, and parks laws for management of wolves For
HB471 Revise fish, wildlife, and parks laws for management of wolves For
HB479 Provide for microbial conversion for enhanced gas recovery For
HB479 Provide for microbial conversion for enhanced gas recovery For
HB483 Revise campaign finance regulation of churches For
HB483 Revise campaign finance regulation of churches For
HB483 Revise campaign finance regulation of churches For
HB483 Revise campaign finance regulation of churches For
HB489 Revise statutory rules for determining residency for voting and registration For
HB489 Revise statutory rules for determining residency for voting and registration For
HB490 Constitutional amendment to define person For
HB490 Constitutional amendment to define person For
HB492 Prohibit immigration sanctuary policies by local governments For
HB492 Prohibit immigration sanctuary policies by local governments For
HB494 Revise laws relating to subdivision exemptions For
HB494 Revise laws relating to subdivision exemptions For
HB494 Revise laws relating to subdivision exemptions For
HB494 Revise laws relating to subdivision exemptions For
HB0494000 AMD- 1 Kennedy D/PASS For
HB496 Allowing law enforcement agencies to destroy certain firearms they possess Against
HB497 Revise right to appropriate water by permit For
HB497 Revise right to appropriate water by permit For
HB502 Provide for installation of historically appropriate handrails in Capitol For
HB508 Require payment of partial salary to injured rural firefighter Against
HB508 Require payment of partial salary to injured rural firefighter Against
HB513 Require state to back transactions of state business with gold & silver coin For
HB0513003 AMD-003 Noonan D/PASS Against
HB0513002 AMD-002 Barrett D/PASS Against
HB0513001 AMD-001 Knox D/PASS For
HB514 Protect sexual orientation and gender identity and expression Against
HB516 Limiting local ordinances to state protected classes For
HB516 Limiting local ordinances to state protected classes For
HB521 Referendum to revise judicial election laws For
HB525 Revise business and professional licensing laws to provide termination review For
HB525 Revise business and professional licensing laws to provide termination review For
HB526 Create interstate health care compact For
HB526 Create interstate health care compact For
HB526 Create interstate health care compact For
HB526 Create interstate health care compact For
HB526 Create interstate health care compact For
HB526 Create interstate health care compact For
HB530 Allow counties to prepare mail ballots before election day For
HB0530000 AMD- 3 Bennett, B. D/PASS Against
HB531 Revise civil liability for multiple defendants For
HB531 Revise civil liability for multiple defendants Against
HB531 Revise civil liability for multiple defendants For
HB533 Revise state coal leasing laws For
HB533 Revise state coal leasing laws For
HB533 Revise state coal leasing laws For
HB534 Require proof of citizenship to receive state services For
HB534 Require proof of citizenship to receive state services For
HB534 Require proof of citizenship to receive state services For
HB0534000 AMD- 2 Kerns D/PASS For
HB541 Exempt domestic livestock trailing from FWP regulation and MEPA For
HB541 Exempt domestic livestock trailing from FWP regulation and MEPA For
HB542 Revise subdivision and platting act For
HB542 Revise subdivision and platting act For
HB542 Revise subdivision and platting act For
HB542 Revise subdivision and platting act For
HB0542000 AMD- 1 Esp D/PASS For
HB544 Provide abortion screening to prevent provider negligence and patient coercion For
HB544 Provide abortion screening to prevent provider negligence and patient coercion For
HB0544000 AMD- 1 More D/PASS For
HB550 Establish state authority over EPA on regulation of greenhouse gases For
HB550 Establish state authority over EPA on regulation of greenhouse gases For
HB551 Revise state employee health insurance program to include high deductible plan For
HB551 Revise state employee health insurance program to include high deductible plan For
HB554 Provide for interstate wolf management compact For
HB555 Providing for nonduplication of health insurance benefits For
HB555 Providing for nonduplication of health insurance benefits For
HB555 Providing for nonduplication of health insurance benefits For
HB555 Providing for nonduplication of health insurance benefits For
HB555 Providing for nonduplication of health insurance benefits For
HB557 Allow political parties to support and oppose judicial candidates For
HB557 Allow political parties to support and oppose judicial candidates For
HB560 Increase public involvement in urban renewal areas Against
HB560 Increase public involvement in urban renewal areas Against
HB561 Revise criteria for factors in urban renewal districts For
HB561 Revise criteria for factors in urban renewal districts For
HB562 Require notification of county and schools of urban renewal district For
HB562 Require notification of county and schools of urban renewal district For
HB563 Provide for public-private partnerships For
HB563 Provide for public-private partnerships For
HB565 Clarify requirements for providing services to high-risk children Against
HB0567001 AMD-001 Schmidt D/PASS Against
HB568 Privatize state-owned cataract dam project For
HB568 Privatize state-owned cataract dam project For
HB574 Constitutional referendum to specify no right to abortion or its public funding For
HB574 Constitutional referendum to specify no right to abortion or its public funding For
HB577 Revise taxes by removing tip income for workers' compensation purposes For
HB577 Revise taxes by removing tip income for workers' compensation purposes For
HB582 Allow deductions for other states college savings plans For
HB583 Revise eminent domain laws For
HB583 Revise eminent domain laws For
HB0583000 AMD- 1 Peterson D/PASS For
HB585 Require public disclosure of contracts with outside counsel for state agencies For
HB592 Revise subdivision law - define tract of record - provide exemption from review For
HB593 Revising clean air act mercury rules For
HB593 Revising clean air act mercury rules For
HB593 Revising clean air act mercury rules For
HB593 Revising clean air act mercury rules For
HB593 Revising clean air act mercury rules For
HB0593000 AMD- 1 Driscoll D/PASS Against
HB598 Revise tax laws by conforming to federal law for net operating losses For
HB603 Provide for Public Charter Schools For
HB603 Provide for Public Charter Schools For
HB604 Provide for fund transfers to various accounts For
HB604 Provide for fund transfers to various accounts Against
HB604 Provide for fund transfers to various accounts For
HB604 Provide for fund transfers to various accounts For
HB604 Provide for fund transfers to various accounts For
HB609 Referendum on freedom to choose health insurance coverage For
HB609 Referendum on freedom to choose health insurance coverage For
HB609 Referendum on freedom to choose health insurance coverage For
HB609 Referendum on freedom to choose health insurance coverage For
HB610 General revise certain fees to implement House Bill No. 2 Against
HB610 General revise certain fees to implement House Bill No. 2 For
HB611 Generally revise use of accounts and funds For
HB611 Generally revise use of accounts and funds For
HB611 Generally revise use of accounts and funds For
HB611 Generally revise use of accounts and funds For
HB612 Generally revise state healthcare laws to implement House Bill No. 2 For
HB612 Generally revise state healthcare laws to implement House Bill No. 2 Against
HB612 Generally revise state healthcare laws to implement House Bill No. 2 Against
HB613 Generally revise elements of the budget process to implement House Bill No. 2 Against
HB613 Generally revise elements of the budget process to implement House Bill No. 2 For
HB613 Generally revise elements of the budget process to implement House Bill No. 2 Against
HB613 Generally revise elements of the budget process to implement House Bill No. 2 Against
HB614 Revise new construction energy credit provisions For
HB614 Revise new construction energy credit provisions For
HB616 Correct erroneous agriculture land values, provide remedy, create ag. committee For
HB620 Generally revise health care law to create health care gateway Against
HB621 Revise aquatic invasive species laws and provide appropriation Against
HB621 Revise aquatic invasive species laws and provide appropriation For
HB623 Increase funding for DPHHS targeted case management services for certain groups For
HB627 Referendum to revise parental notice of abortion and judicial bypass For
HB627 Referendum to revise parental notice of abortion and judicial bypass For
HB627 Referendum to revise parental notice of abortion and judicial bypass For
HB627 Referendum to revise parental notice of abortion and judicial bypass For
HB629 Revise subdivision law and rent or lease exemption For
HB629 Revise subdivision law and rent or lease exemption For
HB0629001 AMD-001 Knox D/PASS For
HB632 Use spendable portion of coal sev. tax to pay down UAL in PERS, TRS, SRS, GWPORS For
HB633 Revise healthy Montana kids program For
HB633 Revise healthy Montana kids program For
HB638 Referendum to require proof of citizenship to receive state service For
HB638 Referendum to require proof of citizenship to receive state service For
HB638 Referendum to require proof of citizenship to receive state service For
HB638 Referendum to require proof of citizenship to receive state service For
HB642 Create select committee on efficiency in government--members--duties For
HB642 Create select committee on efficiency in government--members--duties For
HJ3 Interim study of interoperability for public safety communications in MT Against
HJ4 Resolution opposing designation of national monuments without state's consent For
HJ4 Resolution opposing designation of national monuments without state's consent For
HJ8 Interim study on reducing childhood hunger in Montana Against
HJ8 Interim study on reducing childhood hunger in Montana Against
HJ0008001 AMD-001 Kennedy D/PASS For
HJ9 Interim study of self-governing authority by school boards For
HJ9 Interim study of self-governing authority by school boards For
HJ10 Resolution against Citizens United decision Against
HJ13 Interim study on income tax For
HJ13 Interim study on income tax For
HJ13 Interim study on income tax For
HJ13 Interim study on income tax For
HJ14 Resolution asserting state sovereignty For
HJ14 Resolution asserting state sovereignty For
HJ15 Resolution to increase passenger rail Against
HJ20 Resolution regarding Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act For
HJ20 Resolution regarding Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act For
HJ0020000 AMD- 1 Kennedy D/PASS For
HJ24 Interim study on property tax and options to replace with other revenue For
HJ24 Interim study on property tax and options to replace with other revenue For
HJ25 Interim study on establishment of state bank of Montana Against
HJ25 Interim study on establishment of state bank of Montana Against
HJ28 Interim study on regulation of dog breeders Against
HJ29 Interim study of federal, state, and local regulation of food prod. & processing Against
HJ31 Study of property tax reappraisal process For
HJ31 Study of property tax reappraisal process For
HJ32 Resolution to study state parks, recreation, heritage programs Against
HJ33 Interim study on state health insurance exchange Against
HJ33 Interim study on state health insurance exchange Against
HJ33 Interim study on state health insurance exchange Against
HJ33 Interim study on state health insurance exchange Against
HJ34 Interim study on state agency advertising and public service announcements For
HJ35 Study resolution to examine recordkeeping for legislative session proceedings Against
HJ36 Interim study on appropriate compensation for wrongfully convicted Against
HJ37 Study relations between FWP and landowners Against
HJ37 Study relations between FWP and landowners For
HJ38 Interim study of local fire protection, firefighters, and EMTs For
HJ38 Interim study of local fire protection, firefighters, and EMTs For
HJ39 Interim study of subdivision rent or lease exemption For
SB23 Require midwives to disclose whether they carry malpractice insurance Against
SB27 Provide for acupuncturist on board of medical examiners For
SB27 Provide for acupuncturist on board of medical examiners Against
SB29 Mandatory alcohol server and sales training Against
SB29 Mandatory alcohol server and sales training Against
SB29 Mandatory alcohol server and sales training Against
SB35 Revise laws related to navigable river beds For
SB54 Establish a hybrid tier in TRS for new hires only For
SB54 Establish a hybrid tier in TRS for new hires only For
SB59 Provide for a women's mural in the Capitol Building Against
SB59 Provide for a women's mural in the Capitol Building Against
SB69 Name the first floor east wing of the Capitol Building after Francis Bardanouve Against
SB69 Name the first floor east wing of the Capitol Building after Francis Bardanouve Against
SB94 Revise waters edge provisions of corporation taxes Against
SB0094001 AMD-001 Miller D/PASS Against
SB0094002 AMD-002 Blasdel D/PASS For
SB94 Revise waters edge provisions of corporation taxes Against
SB97 Revise parental notice of abortion and judicial bypass For
SB97 Revise parental notice of abortion and judicial bypass For
SB97 Revise parental notice of abortion and judicial bypass For
SB97 Revise parental notice of abortion and judicial bypass For
SB106 Compel participation in lawsuit on health care reform For
SB106 Compel participation in lawsuit on health care reform For
SB106 Compel participation in lawsuit on health care reform For
SB108 Revise policy for management of large predators For
SB108 Revise policy for management of large predators For
SB109 Revise definition of eligible renewable resources For
SB109 Revise definition of eligible renewable resources For
SB111 Limit noneconomic damages in motor vehicle accidents Against
SB111 Limit noneconomic damages in motor vehicle accidents For
SB114 Federal law enforcement officers should communicate with sheriff For
SB114 Federal law enforcement officers should communicate with sheriff For
SB125 Prohibit state gov't from administering fed health insurance purchase reqmnt For
SB125 Prohibit state gov't from administering fed health insurance purchase reqmnt For
SB126 Revise fees & licensing for plant nurseries & vendors; revise D of Ag inspection Against
SB126 Revise fees & licensing for plant nurseries & vendors; revise D of Ag inspection Against
SB126 Revise fees & licensing for plant nurseries & vendors; revise D of Ag inspection Against
SB136 Revise residency requirements for hunting For
SB136 Revise residency requirements for hunting For
SB138 Clarify funding of MUS optional retirement program For
SB143 Revise state grizzly bear policy For
SB143 Revise state grizzly bear policy For
SB156 Revise tribal use of TANF maintenance of effort funds For
SB159 Revise energy efficiency and code adoption requirements in building codes For
SB159 Revise energy efficiency and code adoption requirements in building codes For
SB160 Allow off-highway vehicles on designated roads/trails in state parks & FASs For
SB174 Prohibit state funds for movement or relocation of bison to Spotted Dog WMA For
SB174 Prohibit state funds for movement or relocation of bison to Spotted Dog WMA For
SB174 Prohibit state funds for movement or relocation of bison to Spotted Dog WMA Against
SB174 Prohibit state funds for movement or relocation of bison to Spotted Dog WMA For
SB176 Prohibit qualified health plans from covering abortion services through exchange For
SB176 Prohibit qualified health plans from covering abortion services through exchange For
SB183 Revise interim zoning laws For
SB183 Revise interim zoning laws For
SB187 Generally revise public defender laws For
SB198 Revise fiscal note law For
SB198 Revise fiscal note law For
SB198 Revise fiscal note law For
SB198 Revise fiscal note law For
SB207 Clarify regulation of bison For
SB207 Clarify regulation of bison For
SB208 Allowing Saturday school in K-12 schools Against
SB208 Allowing Saturday school in K-12 schools Against
SB212 Clarify FWP authority to manage wild buffalo or bison For
SB212 Clarify FWP authority to manage wild buffalo or bison For
SB214 Revise requirements for school levy elections Against
SB214 Revise requirements for school levy elections Against
SB0222001 AMD-001 Barrett D/PASS Against
SB223 Revise volunteer firefighter pensions Against
SB224 Require legislative action for grant application for patient protection act For
SB224 Require legislative action for grant application for patient protection act For
SB225 Revise laws governing qualifying small power production facility purchases For
SB228 Prohibit creation of health insurance exchange under PPACA For
SB228 Prohibit creation of health insurance exchange under PPACA For
SB229 Revise laws relating to state-tribal coop agreements act and PERS For
SB233 Generally revise environmental impact laws For
SB233 Generally revise environmental impact laws For
SB236 Revise solid waste laws related to local government For
SB236 Revise solid waste laws related to local government For
SB237 Revise laws relating to brucellosis surveillance For
SB237 Revise laws relating to brucellosis surveillance For
SB247 Clarify appointment of Montana Poet Laureate Against
SB253 Eliminate certain individual and corporation tax credits For
SB0253001 AMD-001 Williams D/PASS Against
SB254 Provide state eminent domain authority for federal lands For
SB254 Provide state eminent domain authority for federal lands For
SB255 Establish criteria for FWP commission decisions For
SB255 Establish criteria for FWP commission decisions For
SB255 Establish criteria for FWP commission decisions For
SB261 Constitutional referendum to require annual sessions and reduce days For
SB265 Reduce property taxes on new construction for use of gray water systems Against
SB265 Reduce property taxes on new construction for use of gray water systems Against
SB265 Reduce property taxes on new construction for use of gray water systems Against
SB266 Revise local coal tax gross proceeds tax abatement For
SB266 Revise local coal tax gross proceeds tax abatement For
SB266 Revise local coal tax gross proceeds tax abatement For
SB266 Revise local coal tax gross proceeds tax abatement For
SB268 Referendum to require election of supreme court justices from districts For
SB268 Referendum to require election of supreme court justices from districts For
SB0268003 AMD-003 MacDonald D/PASS Against
SB0268006 AMD-006 Sesso D/PASS Against
SB0268004 AMD-004 MacDonald D/PASS Against
SB272 Revise laws related to psychologists prescriptive authority Against
SB272 Revise laws related to psychologists prescriptive authority For
SB277 Revise duties of Dept of Livestock re federal beef promotion; beef check off For
SB279 Allow legislative security personnel w/permit to carry weapon into Capitol For
SB0279001 AMD-001 Menahan D/PASS Against
SB284 Revise laws to require reporting of insurance options chosen by legislators Against
SB292 Regulate underground coal gasification For
SB292 Regulate underground coal gasification For
SB294 Revise workforce training grant program Against
SB295 Revise manner of appraising certain property for tax purposes For
SB295 Revise manner of appraising certain property for tax purposes For
SB297 Provide a separate process for coal beneficiation For
SB297 Provide a separate process for coal beneficiation For
SB303 Generally revise state land laws For
SB303 Generally revise state land laws For
SB303 Generally revise state land laws For
SB305 Revise energy policy For
SB305 Revise energy policy For
SB306 Revise mining laws regarding cyanide heap and vat leach open-pit mining For
SB306 Revise mining laws regarding cyanide heap and vat leach open-pit mining For
SB307 Revising the privatization plan review process and public comment For
SB307 Revising the privatization plan review process and public comment For
SB312 Revise metal mine laws For
SB312 Revise metal mine laws For
SB312 Revise metal mine laws For
SB312 Revise metal mine laws For
SB315 Revise school law on standard of review for school board decisions For
SB315 Revise school law on standard of review for school board decisions For
SB324 Revise consumer protection laws and settlement proceeds For
SB324 Revise consumer protection laws and settlement proceeds For
SB326 Provide for a veterans home loan program Against
SB326 Provide for a veterans home loan program Against
SB327 Require DNRC to assess each dam owned or controlled for hydroelectric potential Against
SB327 Require DNRC to assess each dam owned or controlled for hydroelectric potential Against
SB329 Generally revise K-12 laws Against
SB329 Generally revise K-12 laws Against
SB329 Generally revise K-12 laws Against
SB329 Generally revise K-12 laws Against
SB0329004 AMD-004 Stahl D/PASS For
SB0329005 AMD-005 Stahl D/PASS For
SB0329002 AMD-002 Regier D/PASS For
SB330 Revise renewable portfolio standard laws For
SB330 Revise renewable portfolio standard laws For
SB337 Revise probate laws and laws relating to civil proceedings Against
SB338 Revise laws regarding certain officials and public service announcements For
SB338 Revise laws regarding certain officials and public service announcements For
SB338 Revise laws regarding certain officials and public service announcements For
SB338 Revise laws regarding certain officials and public service announcements For
SB342 Define misconduct for unemployment insurance laws For
SB343 Revise Montana aquatic invasive species act For
SB0348001 AMD-001 Knox D/PASS For
SB356 Clarifying definition of good cause for water right objections For
SB356 Clarifying definition of good cause for water right objections For
SB356 Clarifying definition of good cause for water right objections For
SB366 Generally revise welfare laws For
SB366 Generally revise welfare laws For
SB366 Generally revise welfare laws For
SB370 Require cost-benefit analysis of mandated health insurance coverage of service For
SB370 Require cost-benefit analysis of mandated health insurance coverage of service For
SB371 Encourage manufacture of ammunition in Montana to ensure availability For
SB371 Encourage manufacture of ammunition in Montana to ensure availability For
SB372 Lower business equipment tax -- phase more reduction on state economic growth For
SB372 Lower business equipment tax -- phase more reduction on state economic growth For
SB372 Lower business equipment tax -- phase more reduction on state economic growth For
SB372 Lower business equipment tax -- phase more reduction on state economic growth For
SB372 Lower business equipment tax -- phase more reduction on state economic growth For
SB379 Generally revise county zoning laws For
SB379 Generally revise county zoning laws For
SB385 Provide for parents as scholars program Against
SB400 Revise big game licensing laws Against
SB406 Central assessment mediation instead of dispute review or tax appeal board For
SB406 Central assessment mediation instead of dispute review or tax appeal board For
SB409 Revise methods to establish rental fees and sale of state land cabin sites For
SB409 Revise methods to establish rental fees and sale of state land cabin sites For
SB410 Expend PPL v. MT proceeds on higher producing land to benefit public schools Against
SB410 Expend PPL v. MT proceeds on higher producing land to benefit public schools For
SB414 Provide for control of wolves For
SB414 Provide for control of wolves For
SB414 Provide for control of wolves For
SB414 Provide for control of wolves For
SB415 Generally revising oil and gas lease laws For
SB415 Generally revising oil and gas lease laws For
SB418 Referendum to prohibit health insurance purchase requirement For
SB418 Referendum to prohibit health insurance purchase requirement For
SB421 Revise animal welfare laws Against
SB423 Generally revise laws relating to use of marijuana For
SB423 Generally revise laws relating to use of marijuana For
SB0423002 AMD-002 Noonan D/PASS Against
SB424 Implement transfer from Older Montanans trust fund to general fund Against
SB426 Referendum for contingent property and income tax reductions based on surplus For
SB426 Referendum for contingent property and income tax reductions based on surplus For
SB426 Referendum for contingent property and income tax reductions based on surplus For
SB426 Referendum for contingent property and income tax reductions based on surplus For
SB429 Revised uniform limited liability company act For
SB429 Revised uniform limited liability company act For
SJ1 Joint Rules resolution For
SJ1 Joint Rules resolution For
SJ0001000 AMD-SJ 1 Phillips D/PASS Against
SJ4 Urge Congress to support Constitutional Amendment on balanced budget For
SJ4 Urge Congress to support Constitutional Amendment on balanced budget For
SJ0004003 AMD-003 Skees D/PASS For
SJ0004002 AMD-002 Phillips D/PASS Against
SJ6 Resolution regarding federal land use policy For
SJ6 Resolution regarding federal land use policy For
SJ7 Resolution opposing clean waters restoration act and navigable rivers For
SJ7 Resolution opposing clean waters restoration act and navigable rivers For
SJ8 Resolution on urban-rural divide study by U-system Against
SJ8 Resolution on urban-rural divide study by U-system Against
SJ8 Resolution on urban-rural divide study by U-system Against
SJ8 Resolution on urban-rural divide study by U-system Against
SJ9 Resolution for a parental rights amendment For
SJ9 Resolution for a parental rights amendment For
SJ10 Resolution urging Congress to prevent EPA from regulating greenhouse gases For
SJ10 Resolution urging Congress to prevent EPA from regulating greenhouse gases For
SJ11 Urge the board of regents to require post tenure review for higher education For
SJ11 Urge the board of regents to require post tenure review for higher education For
SJ12 Resolution urging oil and gas leasing of federal land For
SJ12 Resolution urging oil and gas leasing of federal land For
SJ17 Interim study of valuing centrally assessed property for tax purposes For
SJ18 Interim study on health care workforce development initiatives Against
SJ18 Interim study on health care workforce development initiatives Against
SJ20 Study resolution on implementation of privatization of Medicaid administration For
SJ21 Study of eminent domain and just compensation for property For
SJ23 Interim study on exemption of nonprofits from property taxes Against
SJ26 Study resolution for interim monitoring activities recommended by Joint Subcomm For
SJ26 Study resolution for interim monitoring activities recommended by Joint Subcomm For
SJ27 Interim study of waiver services for children with developmental disabilities Against
SJ27 Interim study of waiver services for children with developmental disabilities Against
SJ28 Interim study resolution on performance-based funding for education For
SJ28 Interim study resolution on performance-based funding for education Against
SJ30 Interim study of ways to reduce childhood trauma Against
SJ30 Interim study of ways to reduce childhood trauma Against

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Sponsored Bills

Bill Title Cost
HB292 Constitutional referendum amending right to a clean and healthful environment (S) 3rd Reading Failed $0.00
(S) 2nd Reading Not Concurred; 3rd Reading Vote Required $0.00
(H) 3rd Reading Passed $0.00
(H) 2nd Reading Passed $0.00
HB471 Revise fish, wildlife, and parks laws for management of wolves (H) 3rd Reading Passed $0.00
(H) 2nd Reading Passed $0.00
HJ0008001 AMD-001 Kennedy D/PASS (H) 2nd Reading Motion to Amend Failed $0.00
HB326 Repeal laws authorizing statewide vote on nuclear facilities (H) Hearing $0.00

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