More than 500 floor votes came up as partisan and were used for the calculations.
The numbers are automatically generated by legistats Inc. Software, the goal is an objective statistical evaluation of legislators party loyalty portrayed in the party loyalty index (which political party are they most ideologically committed to work with).
For the party loyalty index only partisan bills are used for the calculations. (This index does not reflect a legislators voting record based on specific issues in relationship to party platforms or their own social, constitutional or fiscal ideology)
Partisan is defined as: over 50% (the Majority) of the votes "FOR" are from one party, and over 50% of the votes "AGAINST" are from the other party.
Each partisan vote falls into one of two categories the Loyal Republican Column or Anti-Republican Column.
In each category the difference between the highest and lowest number of votes generates the 100 point index.
The index of both categories are then combined to generate the Loyalty rating. the Anti-Republican votes are reflected as a negative number.
A ratings are considered exception party loyalty,
B ratings are considered strong party loyalty,
C rating is considered a loyalist,
D rating reflects a weak Republican,
F ratings indicate a negative index, basically a Republican that the Democrats can consistently count on to swing partisan votes.
The information on this website is © Legistats, Inc 2025. No information, formulae, or content can be reproduced without written permission. All rights reserved.
Legistats is continued in honor of its founder, Trevis Butcher, who believed in the importance of transparency in government and arming the people with the information they need to make an informed decision about who they put into office.